Erica Reade Erica Reade

Do photographers ever really vacation?

This is a very unserious topic. But I’m sure most photographers can relate.

I was fortunate enough to spend two weeks in Puerto Rico for my honeymoon this past February. Puerto Rico is such a special place that it deserves its own separate newsletter. It holds a lot of meaning for us as a couple; our first trip together, it’s where we got engaged, so of course, it had to be our honeymoon destination.

Also, we both really needed a vacation. But did I ever really stop ‘working’?

My job is photography. My passion is photography. Most of my network and community at this point are photographers. So if you are a WORKING PHOTOGRAPHER and you’re going to take a VACATION, doesn’t that mean you should put down your camera(s) and just…vacation?

Can you pack your bags and NOT bring 1, 2, or 3 or more cameras and multiple rolls of film? Can you relax, dissociate, rest and do all the things one is supposed to do on a vacation, and a honeymoon no less, if your mind is constantly looking for the next best photo? Can photographers really be present and take in and participate in special moments and NOT photograph them?

No, dear reader, they cannot.

I took more photos in those two weeks than I have in the past three months.

My vacation responder was on both my personal and work emails. I didn’t have to edit hours of wedding photos, create contracts, make lesson plans, edit my websites, or have my weekly creative existential crisis, budget, pay bills, and so on.

But if a true vacation means not working, and if photography is my work, shouldn’t that mean I take a break from taking photos? I thought about this question every day that I was there. Especially when I was always on the hunt for more photos.

After a swim, a light beach nap or sandy cocktail, I’d feel a little internal itch and a voice would say, “OK, time for a walk. Go find some beach lovers.” Every day. Sometimes multiple times a day. Not the most relaxing approach, it would seem. That itch needed to be scratched.

And I wrestled with myself several times. “But Erica, you’re on your HONEYMOON. You’re on a very long, much-needed vacation. Can you just give it a rest? Can you just…rest?”

I couldn’t. I really couldn’t. I felt guilty, a bit. I *should* be resting more. I *should* be spending every moment possible with my new husband.

Fortunately, he is endlessly patient and supportive of me stopping every few minutes to take a photo. In fact, he takes a good number himself, and he’s quite good.

So, was this a working vacation? A functional honeymoon? A portfolio-expander?

I’d argue that photographing as much as I possibly could was a part of the vacation/honeymoon experience, and I’m fairly certain most photographers feel the same. Without the expectations of making work for clients or meeting any number of deadlines, you’re free on vacation to simply document what you’re seeing and inspiration once again flows, freely and without restriction. Creation for fun’s sake, with no agenda, no homework, no deliverables. It becomes incredibly relaxing and therapeutic.

I mean, how could I be on a beach for almost two full weeks and not take photos? I really enjoying walking by myself on the beach for hours, studying people, watching the way the sun hits the water, skin tones, how alive people become, what I can do to make my photos feel alive. I’ve done it for years and years, and I can’t really shut it off. Isn’t life more exciting when you’re in a new and fresh environment with your camera, inspiration pouring in, taking in the surrounding landscape, architecture and culture? Would I really be any more relaxed if I simply lay on my towel for hours on end? (Probably but I digress.)

I came back from each beach walk energized, with stories of who I saw on the beach, and little moments I was able to witness. I felt rested because I love walking and being near ocean water and feeling the sun warm my skin. I felt confident that I was finally breaking through this heavy creative block I’ve been enduring for months.

I was vacationing WITH my camera. It wasn’t work. It was second nature, and it felt so good to fall in love with photography all over again, all while celebrating this big life moment with the person I love.

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

Studio Sale to Support LA Fire Relief

An inevitable outcome of exhibiting one’s work over the years is a growing collection of one’s unsold pieces.  And while some of them do decorate my walls, there are only so many Beach Lovers pieces I can hang. So it’s time for a studio sale! The fires in LA have been nothing short of horrific and devastating beyond sufficient words, and I will be donating 50% of all sales to the California Fire Foundation and Pasadena Humane.  I truly hope anyone in LA reading this, or anyone with loved ones there, are safe and healthy and taking care of yourselves as best as you can.


  • Framed Gallery Work

  • Prints

  • Artist Proofs

  • Frames & Mats

  • Unused Materials and Equipment

  • Irregular Books & Prints

  • Beach Lovers & work from other series & more

Prices will range from $25 to $500 - there is something for everyone. I welcome sliding scale, best offers and print bundles, first come first served. Hope to see you there!

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

My amErican journey.

In March, I shared with you a detailed description of the enormous undertaking that was putting together my extraordinary ability green card case. Soon after, I wrote a draft of my next newsletter, all about the party I’d throw after my approval and what the year ahead would look like. Things didn’t go quite as planned. In April, Immigration sent me a request for further evidence, which was unsettling. We complied. By we, I mean my immigration sponsor who worked around the clock to gather more evidence and make this happen.

In May, dear reader, my green card was denied.

I was devastated. I was in shock. The wind was fully knocked out of me. I was angry. 18 years here and denied. More than a year of work and preparation on the case, and a decade of my life’s work, denied permanent residency. My ability as a photographer denied. My future plans denied.  I have been in an absolute fog and mild existential crisis for most of this year, not to mention a wild creative block as a result.

BUT. AND. Dear Reader, I didn’t give up. I wanted to. Then I decided to apply again.

I am now thrilled to share that a couple of weeks ago, after a whirlwind few months of additional work, more stress, more letters, a photo show, more press, a stupid amount of additional money, and a real hard reminder to have more faith in myself:


I burst into tears when I saw the news. I was shaking. I was in shock. I called my fiance, my mom, my dad, and then my aunt. I texted my friends and more family. I went for a quick jog around the block to shake out my nerves because I couldn’t believe it. My green card was finally f*cking approved. That night, we got a little drunk.

There’s still more work to do, of course. I need to change my status by sending: proof of every visa I have ever been on since 2006, bank statements for the last 12 months (checking, savings, personal and business), 3 years of tax returns, birth certificate, passport, proof all my vaccinations and immunization since 1983, an appointment with an Immigration approved doctor, and another few thousand dollars.  

Coming to America isn’t quite like the movies, kids.

You might be wondering why the denial in the first place. We’ll never really know for sure, but the short answer is: I got very unlucky with a grumpy immigration officer the first time. That’s it. The case was solid, the officer was not.

All that said, I’m feeling very proud. I’m feeling exhausted, I haven’t slept well in months. I’m feeling elated. I’m feeling like I can finally start planning my life again. Like I can finally breathe. The celebration party will happen throughout the week of my Camera of the Month Club ten year show and beyond.

I am also feeling very grateful. I could not have done this without my immigration sponsor and all the hours of hard work and the strategy to reimagine my case after a denial. With two small kids on top of that, I don’t know how she does it. Thank you forever, Kika.

A huge thank you to my parents, for their emotional and financial support for this enormous case, which I could not have done without them. My partner Adriano for his endless patience, encouragement, kindness and love. To all my friends and family, especially my fellow immigrant friends who know the stress of immigration deeply, who checked in with me throughout this entire ordeal, your support means everything.

Thank you everyone for reading.



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Erica Reade Erica Reade


I wrote a newsletter about a year ago about all the rejections I had been receiving as an artist and how crushing it felt. I had some really great conversations as a result of that newsletter, and since then, I have developed much thicker skin, and I have been more selective and intentional with the places I have been submitting to.

After the many rejections, then silence, then dusting myself off and trying again, it is such a great feeling to receive that rare and coveted YES. I applied to CENTER’s annual Review Santa Fe in January and I have been hoping for good news ever since.

I am SO thrilled to share that I recently opened up an email saying, “The Review Santa Fe Selection Committee was honored to view your work, and the quality of submissions from this year's applicants was truly exceptional. We would like to congratulate you on being placed on the juried waitlist. Considering the number of submissions, acceptance to the waitlist speaks highly of your work.”

This alone is so thrilling and humbling, I was beyond elated to read these words. I will keep checking my email for a notification that a place has opened up for me and I’ll be on a plane in a few months to New Mexico. Fingers crossed!

Review Santa Fe is one of the oldest juried portfolio review events in the U.S. It is a premier program serving local, national and international constituents with portfolio reviews with esteemed industry professionals, a public exposition and book fair, scholar lectures, and more.

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

The Artist’s Way in Self-Portraits

I started The Artist’s Way on February 12th and I am just coming to the end of my daily Morning Pages. I decided to take self-portraits on film along the way, to documentary journey. Here are a few favorites from my latest roll of film.

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

It’s Spring and I’m Back

I come here every few weeks and say, “It’s been forever and this is why!” as thought I have a line of people waiting for my news. Ha. Admittedly I am probably speaking more to myself. The last time I wrote was the beginning of winter and now it’s the beginning of Spring. Why the 3 month hiatus?

Answer: the all-consuming work cave that is preparing for my EB1A Artist Green card (detailed further down) for the last several months. And years, really. I had been wondering why I’ve been feeling so creatively blocked lately, and the answer is this case.

Over the years, when lamenting over the stress and cost of yet another visa renewal I have  had many well-meaning American friends and colleagues look at me confused and say, “Another visa? Aren’t you just a citizen now? You’ve been here for so long.” I wish it worked like that, but alas, US Immigration is a big government beast, with many rules, regulations, fees, politics and prejudices.

Being here for a long time + being Canadian does not equal citizenship, or even residency. Any length of time in the US does not equal citizenship or residency for anyone.I pay taxes and cannot vote and I was nowhere close to being a citizen.

While in most ways, I am near the top of the immigration privilege food chain (from Canada, white, and a Masters Degree holder from a US institution), this journey has been anything but easy or straightforward.

I hope the following is a tiny illumination of the work immigrants face to build a life in a country that is not their own.

18 Years in the US. 6 Visas (F-1, OPT, H1B twice, O1 three times, roughly $35,000 spent on immigration fees, lawyers and sponsor costs in that time). And now one big EB1A Green Card Application (which is costing me roughly $14,000).

Proving My “Extraordinary Ability”

I have had to prove my “extraordinary ability” as a photographer since 2015 on the O1 Extraordinary Ability Visa. And I do have to admit one thing: it has kept a fire lit under me like nothing else. I have had no choice but to go after every opportunity, exhibition, piece of press, contract, etc because I’ve had to prove my “extraordinary ability” every 3 years to the government that I am worthy enough to remain here. While in some ways, I have been grateful for the external push, it has also been incredibly grueling at times. And very expensive. And now for my Green Card. Similar type proof, but it’s like my O1 visa applications on steroids.

Criteria for the EB1A Green Card

I had to meet a minimum of three of the list below, and the more you have, the stronger your case is. We are submitting for 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8. Exciting that I meet so many of the categories, the anxiety comes in because it is *not* a guaranteed approval.

The case is being prepared by my Immigration Sponsor, who I have been working with since 2014, and I am grateful for her constant communication and encouragement.

Awards: Receipt of nationally or internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence in your field.

Memberships: Membership in associations in your field that require outstanding achievements of their members.

Published Articles Written by Others About Your Work: Published material about your work in professional or major trade publications or other major media, AND impressive circulation/web traffic numbers.

Peer Review Activities: Evidence of your participation, either individually or on a panel, as a judge of the work of others in your field.

Original Contributions: Evidence of your original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic, or business-related contributions of major significance in the field.

Published Scholarly Articles Written by You: Evidence of your authorship of scholarly articles in the field, in professional or major trade publications or other major media.

Artistic Exhibitions/Showcases: Evidence of the display of your work in the field at artistic exhibitions or showcases.

Critical Role: Evidence that you have performed in a leading or critical role for organizations that have a distinguished reputation.

Comparatively High Salary: Evidence you have commanded a high salary or other significantly high compensation for services, in relation to others in your field.

Commercial Success: Evidence of your commercial successes in the performing arts, as shown by box office receipts or record, cassette, compact disk, or video sales.

“In order to prove the above criteria, you will need testimonials from past employers and experts in your field describing your extraordinary ability and outstanding achievements. Unlike with the O1 visa, testimonials are not a criterion but an element that helps bind all the elements of the application together. You will also need letters of intent and deal memos from future employers, similar to the ones included in the O1 visa itinerary, which need to be supported with additional documentation that proves the distinction that these employers have in your field.Once your EB1A status is approved, you will need to apply for a change of status. You will need to submit the USCIS Form I-485 along with a long list of documents to prove you are heathy and financially independent, including proof of income, 3 years of tax returns, credit score, bank statements, prove of health insurance, medical examination and vaccination record, and other documents.”

I think that explains why I’ve been so absent. I’ll have an answer in about 3-4 weeks. Until then, I can finally turn back to making photos again. Wish me luck

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

23 in 2023

Genoa, Italy, September 2023

Friends, colleagues, family & photo community,

Hello, happy holidays, happy solstice, and happy end of the year.

With just 10 days left of the year, in this period of holiday frenzy exhaustion and a deeply heavy state of the world, I imagine many of us are reflecting on what took place for us this year, personally and globally, and what we can bring into 2024 to make our lives a little bit brighter and the world a little more just.

I know that I am, and I couldn’t close the year without a reflection list. For much of this year, I felt like I had photographic writer’s block and I felt pretty deflated; I liked some of my work, but I didn’t really love any of it. It occurred to me as I was crafting this newsletter that 2020 Erica would be pretty happy with where 2023 Erica is, and my year in review suddenly looked a lot better when I got out of my own way.

I hope that when you make your own list, you also find yourself pleasantly surprised.

So my reflection list, chronologically.

23 in 2023

Goals & Gratitudes

  1. Starting my year in New Mexico and seeing my book at the Photo Eye book store display shelf.

  2. My participation in a second photo book, “Love Story: New Photography of Love and Intimacy,” published by Hoxton Mini Press, alongside 21 other wonderfully talented photographers.

  3. Opening my at-home photo studio doors in March.

  4. Getting back to shooting so much more film than previous years.

  5. Camera of the Month Club hosting a hugely successful show “Cordless: A Show About Our Phone Rituals.”

  6. Turning 40 and getting engaged in Puerto Rico.

  7. My first ever artist residency. It was an absolute honor and dream to be invited to be one of the Rockaway Hotel and Baxter Street Camera Club of NY’s Inaugural Artist in Residence in late June and throughout July.

  8. Opening my first Rockaway-based solo show, right by the beach where the series was born.

  9. Hosting “The Ocean is My Muse” photo panel with several talented photographers that I admire.

  10. My parents each coming to see my Rockaway residency at different points, and spending some time in the place I call my second home.

  11. Creating video work for Beach Lovers for the first time in the series.

  12. Renting a beautiful summer bungalow in Rockaway with two of my favorite people and spending so much time by the sea.

  13. Visiting Genoa, Italy for the first time to visit my best friend, and take travel photos for the pure enjoyment of it.

  14. Hosting my first two home studio visits, with 3 Walls and The Get Gallery.

  15. Having a Beach Lovers image chosen for an upcoming ‘40 Over 40’ Online Exhibition, juried by Elizabeth Avedon.

  16. Co-organizing, hosting and participating in Camera of the Month Club’s 2nd Annual Photo Retreat in upstate NY.

  17. Celebrating 9 years since I founded Camera of the Month Club in 2014.

  18. Commissioning more than a dozen Beach Lovers prints this year for homes and business around the city and country.

  19. Selling almost 80% of the first edition of my Beach Lovers book.

  20. Gathering my evidence to get ready to apply for my green card in early 2024.

  21. Adopting a new kitten, Samba.

  22. Getting even more comfortable with the many rejections I had this year.

  23. Concluding another year as a full-time freelance photographer in NYC, still standing.

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

On Burnout & Procrastination

The last time I posted on my blog, I was announcing my upcoming residency at the Rockaway Hotel and Baxter Street Camera Club in the Rockaways. beach photography on July 8th as part of my Rockaway residency. It’s now early October and I am sitting back down to post an update.

I took a much longer break from updating my blog than I had intended. The best and worst thing about working for yourself is that no one is holding you accountable to deadlines except yourself.

So I gave myself all the excuses to putting off more posts. I even had reasons to share more news; the success of my residency, the photos I was taking, the panel I hosted, the books and prints sold in June and July. In August, I hosted a workshop at Brooklyn Film Camera and another book signing at the Rockaway Hotel’s Supply Shop, and I was part of a group show at SohoPhoto Gallery in early September. Yet I couldn’t muster a few words to share that with you here.

It finally hit me that I have hit a real wall of event fatigue, and it’s time for a pause. I love events so much that it took me a minute to admit to myself that I need some time to breathe, rest, & recalibrate. And to let go of the worry that people won’t forget you or your work if you do take a pause.

Since May 2022, I have taken part of seven book signings, two solo artist talks, two group artist panels, taught three workshops, held three solo shows, two group shows, one month-long artist residency, mailed out over150 books, and shot about 50 weddings and 25 portrait sessions. Finally having taken stock of this recipe for burnout, it’s time I slow down for a little while.

I also thought, ‘surely people must be getting sick of getting of my newsletters and posts or coming out to my events’. Whether that’s true or not, thank you for reading and thank you for joining me over the last year and a half. It’s meant so much to me. To close this long-winded post about finally taking some down time, I am thrilled to share that almost 800 Beach Lovers books have sold of my first edition run of 1000. I think all those events were worth it.

I plan to share some photo updates soon. Thank you for being here.

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

My First Artist Residency: Beach Lovers

I am thrilled to share some exciting news, I have an upcoming residency to celebrate.

In partnership with Baxter Street Camera Club of NY, the Rockaway Hotel has launched its inaugural artist residency program in the Rockaways. I am the second exhibiting artist in the newly-opened space, from June 21st-July 19th, with an opening of Beach Lovers on Saturday July 1st, 12-6PM.

Celebrating the one-year anniversary of my Beach Lover’s book release, published by Daylight books, I will be exhibiting a selection of Beach Lovers work.  I will also be leading a photo walk on July 7th starting at the gallery and then leading to the beach. There will also be an artist panel on July 8th about NYC beach photography at 2PM at the Rockaway Hotel Rooftop.

Residency on the Rock is an extension of the Hotel’s ongoing arts and cultural programming (and located just across the street from the hotel), Residency on the Rock is a newly transformed gallery and studio space, which features a rotating artist and exhibition every month, programming and in-person workshops which are open to the public. 

The gallery is located directly in front of the Rockaway Hotel, 108-09 Rockaway Beach Drive, just steps from the Rockaway Ferry stop or the A/Shuttle train to Beach 105. The gallery is open Wednesday through Sunday, 12-6PM.

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

Rejections, Rejections

Hello, and welcome to the last blog post of my 30s.

This seems like a strange choice of topic to base this blog post around, but it also feels quite fitting. In the last few weeks of my 30s, I've been deep in reflection mode. What have I done with this decade? How have I grown? What do I want to leave behind and what am I taking forward?

One thing I realized recently is that in this blog, I've largely shared my wins, my press, my book events, my shows and events etc. I’ve rarely shared about the silences, the periods of self-doubt, and the things that don’t pan out.

So in this small act of honesty, I wanted to share something else as I close out this monumental decade. I have been getting a lot of rejections lately, and it hasn’t felt great. A few years ago, I started sharing my rejection emails on my Instagram Stories.

I’ve been so humbled by the responses to that; fellow artists thanking me for my honesty and transparency on this topic. It’s been a relief to talk with others about how crushing it can be. Imposter syndrome rings loud. It can be so easy to sit in comparison bingo as an artist, and wonder why your creative career isn't where you'd like to be. It's an even deeper trap on social media, as for a long time, people were only sharing their highlights and wins. I often would wonder what some photographers had that I didn’t, why they were getting chosen for certain opportunities, and I wasn’t. It’s a slippery slope.

“Why didn’t my work get chosen? Have I already peaked? Am I ever going to make good work again? Should I do something else with my life?” And so on and so on. Like I said, slippery slope.

So far in 2023, I've applied to over a dozen opportunities; open calls for submissions, photo shows, residencies, competitions. None were a success. Imposter syndrome has crept back in. Most recently, I even made it to the second round of a competitive residency that I really wanted. I thought I had a great interview with them. I could taste it. I was a perfect fit. It would finally be my first residency. Or so I thought.

"Dear Erica, we regret to inform you...."

UGH. Those words. We all know them too well.

I was crushed. I'd even venture to say, devastated. Following that, three more rejections came in the following two weeks. Woof.

So why am I sharing all of this? Not for pity, or to further wallow in my own self-doubt. If anything, it’s been uncomfortable to be sitting in this space of spiraling, and I’m tired of doing it. It’s time to get back up and brush myself off, and try again. And again and again.

When I was younger, I would often quit things that I wasn’t immediately good at or successful in. I had to be the best or else not do it at all. Photography isn’t like that. It’s a slow burn. It’s a lot of mistakes and rejections. There’s a lot of stumbling in the dark. That’s sort of how I feel right now. There's great pressure amongst creatives to be churning out new and better work; to be published; to exhibit work; to demonstrate you residencies and grants.

I’ve decided that I am going to close out my 30s by showing myself grace and getting back to shooting shooting creatively for myself once again, on a much more consistent basis. To be proud of how far I’ve truly come. And to know that all of the ‘no’s I’ve received over the last several weeks are part of this wonderful visual journey that I am on, and will only make my work better in the coming months.

Thank you for all of your support over the last decade. 29 year old Erica wouldn’t have believed that 39 year old Erica runs her own photography business and has two books out. Remember to be proud of yourself, even when it feels hard to do so.

With so much love and gratitude,


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Erica Reade Erica Reade

My Home Photo Studio

I’m so excited to share that I’ve opened my home photo studio space in Crown Heights. I have lived in my apartment for over 13 years, and it’s always been a dream of mine to be able to use the space for photo projects and to take portraits of clients. Once my partner moved in in November we began working on the apartment, and after many hours, and many more plants, my doors are finally open! This is a perfect space for portraits, head shots, branding session photos, or couples’ photos. Book a session here!

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

Love Story

I’m thrilled to share my first piece of big news to kick off the new year. I’m one of 23 photographers included in Hoxton Mini Press’ new photo book, Love Story, out on January 30th.

Hoxton Mini Press, based in the UK, approached me last Fall to contribute Beach Lovers photos and a short essay to the book. Not only was I incredibly honored and thrilled, there are newer images included in this incredible collection that are NOT in my own Beach Lovers book.

I’ve long admired Hoxton Mini Press, as they have published some of my favorite photo books, they are a carbon neutral book publisher, and with every book purchased, they plant a tree. I’m so grateful to be a part of another book bringing more love into the world. I hope that you’ll consider adding this book to your collection, and that you’re having a wonderful start to 2023.

“Love is one of the most difficult things to photograph, yet this anthology of moving, unexpected images captures the heart of what it means to know and love another. From first love to lost love, these intimate portraits express the tenderness and vulnerability, passion and patience of this powerful emotion. Challenging our perceptions of relationships in the 21st century, this joyful celebration of love beautifully depicts the deep connections between partners of all genders, between friends, siblings, parents and children, and communities.” - Hoxton Mini Press

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Erica Reade Erica Reade


I have a lot planned and percolating for the year ahead but I’m not quite ready to announce or share it. I also meant to write a big 2022 reflection. Coming very soon. For now, here are some photos from my recent trip to New Mexico on a disposable camera.

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

Beach Lovers at SohoPhoto Gallery, Nov. 8-14th

After months of planning, weeks of details, organizing, promoting, ordering my photos, laying out my show, organizing my events, I’m thrilled to say that my solo exhibition at SohoPhoto Gallery is now live. The gallery is open from 1-6PM daily, along with three events. Please join me, this is my biggest event to date and I’m so proud of how it’s come together.

Thursday November 10th, 6-9PM Opening Reception

Saturday November 12th, 4:30-6 Let’s Talk About Photo Books: A Panel Discussion

Sunday November 13th, 12-1PM Running a Successful Kickstarter Campaign and Getting Your PhotoBook Into The World

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

Beach Lovers Week at SohoPhoto Gallery

It’s October. Holy shit. How did that happen? After what’s been the most whirlwind year of my life, I’m thrilled to share that I’ll be hosting one last celebration of my book, with a week-long celebration of my book at SohoPhoto Gallery. This weeklong takeover of the gallery will include a solo exhibition of images from the 8 years of this series, an opening photo reception, Beach Lovers books on display and for purchase, an artist talk and book signing, and a workshop. I hope you’ll join me!


NOVEMBER 8-14TH, GALLERY HOURS, 1-6PM or by appointment

THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10TH, Opening Reception, 6-9PM

SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12TH, Women Street Photographers Panel Discussion, 4:30PM-6:00PM*

SUNDAY NOVEMBER 13TH, “Running a Successful Kickstarter Campaign & Getting Your PhotoBook into the Workshop” Workshop,* 12-1PM

*details coming soon

**registration required, details soon

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

Happy Fall

Well, less happy for me as my favorite season is Summer. And what a Summer it was. My event at Whalebone was a beautiful time, and so rewarding to see the images highlight such a summer-focused store and have so many books find new homes. Following that, I had a wonderful Instagram Live interview with Women Street Photographers Founder, Gulnara Samoilova, about the book.

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of shooting a ton of weddings, mail books to my Kickstarter supporters, and trying to soak up the final summer beach days.

So what’s next? I’m getting ready for my biggest and final week of Beach Lovers book events at SohoPhoto Gallery, November 8th-14th. I’ll be hosting a solo show, artist talk and workshop. More details coming soon!

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

Coming Up For Air

Book event. Edit. Shoot a wedding. Organize another event. Go to USPS to send more books. Sleep. Go to the beach whenever possible. Repeat. That’s about all I’ve been doing for the last two weeks, which is why I am so late on getting my event recaps up. They were both wonderful and I’m so thankful to everyone who came, and who bought a book.

Foley Gallery’s Launch Photo Books event on June 23rd was one of the highlights of my career to date. I had such a wonderful turnout, an incredible conversation with the audience, and so many reminders why this series is important to everyone. It was very moving and I’m so thrilled the series is touching people the way I intended it to.

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

It's almost time!

May was one of the busiest months I’ve had since the pandemic began and I wish I had gotten back to this blog sooner, as one of my highlights was participating in the my first ever book fair at the International Center of Photography. It was such a thrill. I met so many wonderful people, I had the pleasure of talking about the Beach Lovers series with new photo friends and happily sold several books to people who had never heard of the series.

Since then, I have been in a whirlwind of editing photos, shooting weddings, doing interviews for the book, organizing for my June events, getting ready for the book launch, and trying to keep my health in tact!

I’m oh so very excited for next week and I can’t wait for the book to be out in the world.

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