Do photographers ever really vacation?
This is a very unserious topic. But I’m sure most photographers can relate.
I was fortunate enough to spend two weeks in Puerto Rico for my honeymoon this past February. Puerto Rico is such a special place that it deserves its own separate newsletter. It holds a lot of meaning for us as a couple; our first trip together, it’s where we got engaged, so of course, it had to be our honeymoon destination.
Also, we both really needed a vacation. But did I ever really stop ‘working’?
My job is photography. My passion is photography. Most of my network and community at this point are photographers. So if you are a WORKING PHOTOGRAPHER and you’re going to take a VACATION, doesn’t that mean you should put down your camera(s) and just…vacation?
Can you pack your bags and NOT bring 1, 2, or 3 or more cameras and multiple rolls of film? Can you relax, dissociate, rest and do all the things one is supposed to do on a vacation, and a honeymoon no less, if your mind is constantly looking for the next best photo? Can photographers really be present and take in and participate in special moments and NOT photograph them?
No, dear reader, they cannot.
I took more photos in those two weeks than I have in the past three months.
My vacation responder was on both my personal and work emails. I didn’t have to edit hours of wedding photos, create contracts, make lesson plans, edit my websites, or have my weekly creative existential crisis, budget, pay bills, and so on.
But if a true vacation means not working, and if photography is my work, shouldn’t that mean I take a break from taking photos? I thought about this question every day that I was there. Especially when I was always on the hunt for more photos.
After a swim, a light beach nap or sandy cocktail, I’d feel a little internal itch and a voice would say, “OK, time for a walk. Go find some beach lovers.” Every day. Sometimes multiple times a day. Not the most relaxing approach, it would seem. That itch needed to be scratched.
And I wrestled with myself several times. “But Erica, you’re on your HONEYMOON. You’re on a very long, much-needed vacation. Can you just give it a rest? Can you just…rest?”
I couldn’t. I really couldn’t. I felt guilty, a bit. I *should* be resting more. I *should* be spending every moment possible with my new husband.
Fortunately, he is endlessly patient and supportive of me stopping every few minutes to take a photo. In fact, he takes a good number himself, and he’s quite good.
So, was this a working vacation? A functional honeymoon? A portfolio-expander?
I’d argue that photographing as much as I possibly could was a part of the vacation/honeymoon experience, and I’m fairly certain most photographers feel the same. Without the expectations of making work for clients or meeting any number of deadlines, you’re free on vacation to simply document what you’re seeing and inspiration once again flows, freely and without restriction. Creation for fun’s sake, with no agenda, no homework, no deliverables. It becomes incredibly relaxing and therapeutic.
I mean, how could I be on a beach for almost two full weeks and not take photos? I really enjoying walking by myself on the beach for hours, studying people, watching the way the sun hits the water, skin tones, how alive people become, what I can do to make my photos feel alive. I’ve done it for years and years, and I can’t really shut it off. Isn’t life more exciting when you’re in a new and fresh environment with your camera, inspiration pouring in, taking in the surrounding landscape, architecture and culture? Would I really be any more relaxed if I simply lay on my towel for hours on end? (Probably but I digress.)
I came back from each beach walk energized, with stories of who I saw on the beach, and little moments I was able to witness. I felt rested because I love walking and being near ocean water and feeling the sun warm my skin. I felt confident that I was finally breaking through this heavy creative block I’ve been enduring for months.
I was vacationing WITH my camera. It wasn’t work. It was second nature, and it felt so good to fall in love with photography all over again, all while celebrating this big life moment with the person I love.