Erica Reade Erica Reade

Women in Focus: Success!

Two days ago at Studio 7 Gallery in Fort Tilden, Queens, I hosted the panel discussion Women in Focus: A Discussion about Women in Photography,' featuring photographers Jennifer Pottheiser, Tara DiGiovani, Armelis D'Orville and Angelica Briones. Between the distance and weather, I was not very helpful about the turnout. T o my delight, we had a solid turnout, a rich panel discussion, and engaged audience questions. We talked about our work, our career highlights, and the unique issues we've faced as women in the industry, including a lack of representation, pay inequality, and safety and harassment in our work. We all agreed that a photograph has no gender and that our work must always speak for itself, but that it is important to recognize these challenges. Finding or creating community, mentors, and allies in the field was something we agreed helped alleviate the isolation many of us feel at times in photography. I'm thankful to the Rockaway Artist Alliance for hhaving us, and to have been included in the 'Of Women' exhibit.  

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

Reflections, Self-Portraits and Selfies

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Every so often, I look at my website analytics because I'm interested in which photos appeal most to people, and which blog posts are doing well. It turns out that my most-read blog post to date is "On Selfies: The Modern Day Self-Portrait, Female Empowerment & Beauty." I wrote it in 2014, as I was getting more serious about photography and selfie culture was exploding. After seeing this statistic, I almost deleted the post. Was talking about my own selfies more interesting to my readers than seeing my photographic work? Are women more interesting to people when they talk about beauty? 

But before I spiraled down a rabbit hole of questions, and pressed 'Delete,' I changed my mind. My thoughts, feelings and anxieties around beauty, vanity, body image, aging and our obsession with youth continue to preoccupy me, as much as I don't want to admit that. Maybe it makes me a 'bad feminist' to think so much about these things, but it's almost impossible not to given the toxic level of messaging around we receive on those issues and the daily pressure to look young and flawless.

I'm turning 35 in a few weeks, and I can say that I have earned my face, for better or worse. Sun, stress, late nights, too much wine, much laughter, tears, teenage acne, bouts of insomnia. It's all there. Embarking on my Reflected project using mirrors hasn't helped, as I inevitably catch glimpses of myself that I don't like and immediately put down the mirror. But I try to fight my harsh criticisms, as I remember there is an entire industry built upon women's insecurities and self-loathing, and I don't want to give into that. So I'll leave up my post about selfies, I'll continue to project with mirrors, and I'll work hard on being kinder to myself.

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

Women in Focus: A Panel Discussion

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I'm so excited to announce that I am hosting and speaking on the panel, "Women in Focus." I am part of the group art show "Of Women" hosted by the Rockaway Artists Alliance, and during my gallery-sitting time, I had the option to do a talk, demonstration or event. I thought to create a panel about women in photography, and hence the birth of this panel.  Join us for a candid conversation about women in the photography industry, our personal and professional journeys to launch our careers, and the successes and challenges we've faced a long the way. Wine & cheese will be served. 

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

Cat Lady

It's no secret that I love cats dearly. I have two sweet cats of my own that I adopted in Summer 2015, and they have brought me so much happiness and companionship since then. They are sisters, and their names are NaeNae (the black cat) after the song, and Skittles (the tabby), because she is both skittish and sweet. I adore photographing them, and they are incredibly photogenic, if I do say so myself. I'd love to do a small project involving cats when the weather gets warmer, I haven't quite figured out what that is yet. For now, enjoy my sweet cat children. 

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

Camera of the Month Club

It's been equally gratifying and humbling to have grown Camera of the Month Club over the past three and a half years. We were a group of 10 or 11 photographers for the first year or so, and now we're over 40 photographers. We are photographers at all levels of our careers, from various demographic backgrounds, and we come together to give each other support  and critique. It is a really inspiring group to be a part of and we are trying to plan our Spring show right now. I'll be sharing that information as soon as we have our venue in place. 

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

Spring Countdown

I have a few pieces of news that are pending, but I will only share them when they are official and I am allowed to get excited. In the meantime, here are some photos I've taken over the last few weeks as I wait impatiently for nice weather.

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Erica Reade Erica Reade


If you can't already tell by the subject of my work, or if we have met, you know that I love warm weather, summer, and the beach. I am not a winter person. I have worked harder this year to complain less about the cold, but it really does get me down. I don't feel inspired to make work or go outside to shoot photos, but I know it's something that I have to do to continue improving my craft. 

I started experimenting with mirrors, and am starting to enjoy the process more and more. The image that won the Feature Shoot contest prompted that curiosity. Here are some recent experiments.

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Erica Reade Erica Reade


Happy (belated) new year! I am feeling so excited and optimistic about 2018, in part because I kicked off my new year with a trip to Belize with my dear friend Ines Bellina (follow her writing/podcast/travel ideas here).  We took our first trip together in 2005, while studying at McGill University together. We had a raucous time in Panama City Florida on Spring break, and the rest is history, as they say. Ines and I then ended up in NY together, and have had traveled a few times together, most recently Santa Fe, and now Belize. 

We had planned to travel first to San Igancio (inland) and then to spend several days in Caye Caulker for some much-needed beach time. While I will always jump at the chance to escape winter for warmer climates, I now look to do so in places that will allow me to grow my body of Beach Lovers work.  Unfortunately the weather really did not cooperate (thank you climate change), and I only found a few couples whose photo I was able to take. This is one of them. Perhaps it was the Universe telling me to be patient and wait for better weather in NY, where the majority of the series is captured. 

Admittedly, I would normally be sorely disappointed by not getting great vacation weather, but my travel companion and I decided to make the most of the rain, clouds and winds, and truly fell in love with Belize. The tropical colors and plants, the fresh food, our day of snorkeling, and all the lovely people we met (even apologizing for the bad weather we got).  

The motto in Caye Caulker is: Go slow, but keep moving. I think we could all use more of this type of thinking, myself included, and I've carried this home with me in my plans for 2018


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Erica Reade Erica Reade

Goodbye 2017

Things I am grateful for: Rockaway Beach

Things I am grateful for: Rockaway Beach

2017 wasn't an easy year; personally, professionally, politically. But it was not without its highlights and successes. We grew Camera of the Month Club by leaps and bounds, both in membership and the quality of our work, and we hosted two group shows. I won a Nikon scholarship to attend the Santa Fe Photographic Workshops in July, and attended the 'Marketing Your Photographs' workshop. Beach Lovers was published in La Reppublica and Phoblographer. I worked with some wonderful couples in the many weddings I shot throughout the year. My 2017 highlight was having my own solo show at Picture Farm Gallery for Beach Lovers. I've wanted to show there for years, and it was an honor and unbelievable thrill to have my work there for two months. I was able to donate funds to Puerto Hurricane Relief because of my print sales. And the year ended with my photo being selected by Feature Shoot to be part of their December holiday show.

I'm grateful for all these successes, and the support I have received along the way. I will be talking about 2018 in my next post, but for now, Happy New Year, and thank you for following this journey with me!


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Erica Reade Erica Reade

Holiday Print Swap!

Last night, Camera of the Month Club celebrated the holidays with our annual print swap and holiday party. I looked around the room, at the group that we have grown and nurtured for the last 3.5 years, and was filled with such a rush of gratitude and hope for 2018. My photography practice has been truly enriched by the incredible diversity of experiences, backgrounds, and photography styles every member brings to the table. I've made new friends, learned an incredible amount, and I am so proud of the work we have done together.  Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this process, I can't wait to see what 2018 brings!

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

Black (& White) Friday sales!

Black (and White) Friday is almost here, and these 'Beach Lovers' exhibit prints still need homes! Until Sunday evening, I'm taking these 24x30 prints down to $175 and a small portion will still be going to Puerto Rico hurricane relief. Skip the madness of the stores, and give the gift of love and art, to yourself or a loved one. 

From left to right: 

  • Beach Lovers, In Heels, 2015.
  • Beach Lovers: Hidden in Plain Site, 2017
  • Beach Lovers:  Heels over Head for You, 2017.
  • Beach Lovers: Sunset Kiss, 2017.
  • Beach Lovers: Horizon Heat, 2017.



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Erica Reade Erica Reade


I have been developing a photo project that is not Beach Lovers, and I'm not quite done figuring out what that looks like. In the meantime, I've been enjoying experimenting with using mirrors in my photos. 

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

more of my lunch break photo walks

I am still trying to go for daily walks on my lunch breaks to take photos. It doesn't always happen, but I am doing it weekly and that's what matters. I am slowly developing a new photo project, but I don't have much yet to share as some of it is on film. 

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

staying inspired

Now that Beach Lover season is truly over, I am working on developing new photography projects. Admittedly, I feel a bit stuck, a touch of photographer's "writer's block" if you will. So I am forcing myself to go on 30 minute walks each day during my lunch breaks to take photos of the streets and people I encounter. It's not a project in and of itself, but it does keep me shooting and my eyes fresh to the world around me.

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Erica Reade Erica Reade



A final post about my show. My closing was a lovely way to say goodbye to my show, and we raised $250 for Puerto Rican hurricane relief. I am continuing to sell books and prints and will be donating proceeds as I move forward on this. Thank you to my friends, family, supporters and to Picture Farm for everything.

Now it is time to put Beach Lovers down (for the most part) until Spring/Summer 2018. I'll be thinking about what a new season looks like, what I'll do differently, and how I'll be sharing them with the world. And I'll be working on another project through the Fall and Winter.

Thank you for all the support this summer, and throughout the show. Stay tuned for details about print and book sales.

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

A Closing Show!

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I have fallen behind on my posting and I am committed to getting back on that train. It's been an exciting couple of months since I last wrote. I rode the high of my exhibit for several days, I have happily sold a few more Beach Lovers prints, I traveled to Chicago and Toronto, and I have been booking more wedding and freelance work. 

It's been such an honor to have my work on the walls of Picture Farm. This is a gallery I have wanted to show at for years, and it's so exciting to have this series here. 

My closing show will also be a fundraiser for the hurricane relief efforts happening in Puerto Rico. To say the response to the island's crisis has been appalling is an understatement, it is inhumane. I hope to do my small part. 

Similarly, any Beach Lovers prints sold for the next several weeks I will be donating a portion to relief efforts,

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

a few days away

It feels like every time I turn around lately, I am packing or unpacking bags. Santa Fe, Massachusetts, and now I am in Quebec visiting my father, soon to be heading to Montreal. Next up is Chicago. All this travel is exciting, and mildly exhausting, but always a good reason to take photos. I grew up coming to my grandmother's cottage every summer, swimming, enjoying nature, going for hikes and eating a ton of fresh local food. This trip has been no different. I'm so grateful I get to call this my 3rd home. 

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Erica Reade Erica Reade

Thank you!

The opening of my solo show, Beach Lovers, was a huge success, and I am incredibly humbled and grateful by all the support and turnout. A big thank you to Picture Farm Gallery for the opportunity, to Tito's Vodka for the generous beverage donation, and to all my friends who helped and supported me. The show is up for a couple more weeks, and I will be posting closing reception details soon!

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