'Beach Lovers' now available for pre-order!

I took some much needed downtime from NY with my first vacation in over two years to Puerto Rico with my boyfriend January 31-February 10th. Photos coming soon. I came back refreshed and excited to get back to work on promoting my book, to learn that my book is now available for pre-order in a number of places. It was another ‘pinch me’ moment in this entire book process.

The book will be shipping out June 1st, and available in stores as well. Pre-orders go a very long way for the success of a book, and here are all the places you can order from right now!


Barnes and Noble

Greenlight Book store (Brooklyn)

Chapters Canada

Books are Magic (Brooklyn)



Golden Lab Bookshop (Queens)

The Green Door Bookshop (KS)

Bear Pond Books (VT)

192 Books (NYC)


A few Puerto Rico film favorites


My Book Cover!