Is Beach Lovers a strictly NYC series?

As I’ve been spending the last few weeks thinking and writing about Beach Lovers at length as I get ready to launch my Kickstarter campaign, the question around the series’ location has come up over and over. I have been asked this question over the years. Will I take Beach Lovers to other cities?

I’ve given this a lot of thought. And while I love taking photos of couples of at other beaches, ultimately I’ve decided that this series wouldn’t be the same anywhere else. It is the city’s backdrop, NYC’s uniquely gritty ocean front, that make this series all the more romantic for me. It is the history of street photographers that came before me that I pay homage to. Photographers like Garry Winogrand, Vivian Maier, Elliott Erwitt and Diane Arbus are just a handful of photographers that documented the beaches of NYC that I have taken inspiration from.

While I may do iterations in other cities in the future, at its core, this series is my love letter to, for and about summer in NYC. There is nothing like it anywhere else.


A Confession of Sorts


One Month Countdown