On 2015
with my beloved Polaroid 600
I haven't written a post in over two months, and I won't say that I have been "too busy" as so many of us do in NYC. Instead, so much has happened that I didn't know where to start, so I simply stopped writing.
I spent most of the Fall working on a massive application for my O-1 Foreign Artist visa, and it nearly took over my life. I ate, slept and breathed immigration, photography and thinking about my future for almost three months, and taking consistent photos fell to the back burner. The application is submitted, and I am waiting patiently for the good news.
I finally have some time to reflect on 2015, and how proud I am of the year that was. Between my Santa Fe Photo Workshop scholarship, my first solo show "Beach Lovers", and Camera of the Month Club's first group show, I am really proud of the fruits of my photographic labor. 2015 closed on an incredible high note, and I want to thank everyone who supported me along the way. I have already secured another solo show for Spring 2016, Camera of the Month Club is planning its year ahead, and the wheels are turning already. Stay tuned for what's next, and stay creative!