starting over
It's funny in life when we have premonitions of upcoming events or an urgent sense one needs to do something quickly, and then shortly afterwards, said event occurs. After putting the finishing touches on this website Friday night, I shut my laptop case proudly and thought to myself, "You did it, you built your own website. Your photos look great. Now it's really time I back up my work."
The next morning, I accidentally dropped my laptop, cracked my hard drive and deleted 5 years of work. I had close to 10,000 images at that point in my iPhoto docket, as well as fellowship applications, college papers, cover letters, memories. Gone. Gulp.
Silver Lining: I kept about 70% of my images intact on my many memory cards, so not all my photography work is lost. I also have every roll of film I have shot over the past few years as well. I still have my health, my loved ones, my cameras, and with enough painstaking effort, the means to buy myself a new laptop.
Along with my many 2014 dreams, goals and aspirations, multiple back up systems are in order! What are your favorite back-up systems? Please share!